animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

political rant

I don’t know why the current election pisses me off so much (well, ok, I have some ideas), but when I see a Bush/Cheney sign in someone’s yard or a sticker on their car, I make a mental note to not like that person. I’m anxious for the election to …


Surely everyone has heard about these before. But, they’re worth another look since the election is so close. They always crack me up until I realize that the guy who is saying these funny things is the leader of the free world. Yikes.


Maybe it’s just me, but did anyone else see a pair of leathery wings emanating from Dick Cheney’s back during last night’s debate? His hands kinda looked liked cloven hooves, too, come to think of it. You had to squint to see it…maybe my tv’s just on the fritz.