animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Since Buster is so old, I thought 2020 would be a good time to get a new dog. Then the first week of the new year, I decided that probably wasn’t the best idea. Then I went to the shelter to walk dogs and met Ralphie. So, now I have …


The night before Halloween, Esme met up with a skunk. Brian thought he had the smell under control, so he brought her to the office on Thursday. So, now our office also smells like a skunk. Thursday was pretty bad, but it had dissipated a bit by Friday. I also …


A couple of weeks ago, I accidentally forgot to give Buster his morning Prozac. I didn’t realize this until the next day (his pills are in a pill case that has the days of the week on it). Normally, if something like this would happen in the past, we would …