animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

ripley, part 2

No news would’ve been better than the news I got today. The vet called and Ripley’s white blood count was low (rather than high, which would be seen in an infection). Additionally, one of her kidney tests came back high, which means things aren’t working correctly there either. Due to …

ripley’s latest malady

Our Doberman, Ripley, has not been acting like herself for about the past week. I finally called the vet yesterday and made an appointment. They took an xray of her chest and it showed fluid in the lungs. This could be caused by numerous things, but the diagnosis is pneumonia …

caught up on shit

And I mean that quite literally… My dogs go to the bathroom in the yard. I normally clean up after them every couple of days. In the winter, this usually isn’t possible because the snow covers up the deed before I get a chance to clean it up. I suppose …