animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the un-update

Just checking in. Nothing has been going on here. Seriously. My life completely revolves around three things: my new job, the puppy, and Brian’s business. It’s not that my new job is requiring overtime or anything. But, I have to get up earlier than I did before in order to …

buster update

Buster has earned many nicknames in his stay at our house: Peedro Morales, Dick Trickle, P. Shitty, Snarls Barkley, Buster Maniac, and Sir Barks-A-lot. This should tell you all you need to know about his demeanor and behavior. But, if you want the details, read on. Actually, he’s doing pretty …

so tired

Having a puppy is like having a baby around. Exhausting. Buster is only getting up once or twice a night now, so it’s an improvement, but still very tiring when you do it day after day after day. He’s doing great with the house training, though. Yesterday, he didn’t even …

puppy, puppy, puppy

Puppy all the time. I’m not getting a thing done thanks to Buster. Actually, I can’t place the blame entirely on him. I spend most of my time keeping him away from the other dogs. Alice is quite tolerant of him (Buster has crowned Alice with the title of ‘Mom’, …