animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I had a couple vacation days left, so I took off today and am taking off next Friday. I hit it lucky with today’s weather, so I took the dogs to Sandyvale this afternoon for an extended walk. They seemed to enjoy it and have been sleeping ever since we …

germantown winery

My mom and dad have been wanting me to go to Germantown Winery with them for a while. We were supposed to go earlier this summer, but it was scheduled for the day that I ended up at MedWell for my neck, so that didn’t happen. We finally got there …

thanksgiving week

It’s been a busy week! Sylvia had a dental cleaning scheduled for Tuesday morning. She did well with it, but they had to extract a tooth (a pre-molar). That was an expensive trip! Wednesday morning, Jake went to his home office, which is in the former family room, and there …


Sylvia was nowhere to be found Friday morning at feeding time. After Jake got up and she wasn’t with him, I started to worry. No one had seen her since snack time the previous night (around 10pm). I looked everywhere in the house, but could not find her. I went …

an ordeal

Ralphie has always been weird about having his nails trimmed (among other things) and has gotten even weirder about it over time. The vet gave me some sedatives (pills) to try on him, but I still wasn’t able to cut his nails as he did not seem to be very …