animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

limpin’ lizards

A update on the dogs…Alice and Buster are doing well enough–Alice’s lip looks good and I think Buster’s prozac is finally starting to kick in. However, Lizzy has been limping more often as of late (she’s been limping off and on for a couple of weeks). If this keeps up, …

the dogs

Alice had the growth on her lip removed today. She’s faring well enough, though is pretty groggy at the moment. I’m sure she’ll be doing much better tomorrow. Buster is still a maniac. We’ll be upping his Prozac on Saturday, so I’m hopeful things will start to improve after that. …

prozac: day 1

Buster started taking Prozac today. It’s going to take a couple of weeks to build up his dosage so we probably won’t be able to tell if it’s working for a bit. He was kind of a pain in the neck this past week (when he was on a very …

quick puppy update

Brian took Alice to the vet today to have the lump on her lip aspirated. They did not see anything suspicious in the fluid, but the lump is getting larger, so she needs to have it removed. Her surgery is scheduled two weeks from today. As for Buster, he is …

alice update

Brian took Alice to her vet appointment today. The vet is not sure what’s growing on Alice’s lip, but she does know that it’s infected. So, Alice is on a course of antibiotics. One of two things is going to happen–if the lump responds to the antibiotic and shrinks, then …