animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the abscess

Buster developed a bump on his face a few days ago. It’s on his cheekbone. I assumed that he bumped his face on something, but it persisted for a few days, so off to the vet he went. The vet thinks he has an abscessed tooth, so he was put …

r.i.p. marley

As I noted previously, our cat, Marley, has been sick for a number of weeks now. He had been taking thyroid medication, but it didn’t help the situation (weight loss), so the vet put him on a dewormer and steroids at our last visit. However, the weight loss continued (the …

skinny cat

The mystery might be solved. The other morning, I was getting ready for work and Brian walked out of the bedroom with the cat, who had just jumped into the bed. I went to the kitchen and the gate was still locked. Brian put the cat on the other side …


Alice had her surgery today and did well with it. Brian’s picking her up right now. The vet did say that she was not able to get all of it, so it will likely recur. Will this buy us enough time? I guess we’ll find out.