animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

buster update

Buster finished his course of antibiotics on Friday, but the swelling in his face did not completely go away. So, I called the vet yesterday and scheduled him for an extraction on the 16th of this month. I was kind of hoping to catch a break with the vet bills …


Remember back when we only had fleas to worry about? Those were the days. Brian and Buster went on a hike this morning. When they returned, I noticed a tick on Buster’s head. I picked it off and started looking for more and found a total of eight on him. …

the abscess

Buster developed a bump on his face a few days ago. It’s on his cheekbone. I assumed that he bumped his face on something, but it persisted for a few days, so off to the vet he went. The vet thinks he has an abscessed tooth, so he was put …

r.i.p. marley

As I noted previously, our cat, Marley, has been sick for a number of weeks now. He had been taking thyroid medication, but it didn’t help the situation (weight loss), so the vet put him on a dewormer and steroids at our last visit. However, the weight loss continued (the …

skinny cat

The mystery might be solved. The other morning, I was getting ready for work and Brian walked out of the bedroom with the cat, who had just jumped into the bed. I went to the kitchen and the gate was still locked. Brian put the cat on the other side …