animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


While I don’t know this will go down in history as a classic Stephen King movie, I do know that I liked it very much. It was a scary little story. It was about a guy who writes books about haunted places, but he doesn’t believe in anything supernatural–until he …

28 weeks later

Zombies are scary! And, they were scarier than ever in this sequel to 28 Days Later. The basic premise is that a “rage virus” was leaked from a laboratory (in the first movie). Infection happens instantly after being in contact with a bodily fluid from an infectious person. This causes …


Last night, we did Margaritas and a movie (and popcorn, too!). We watched the original Halloween. I probably haven’t seen this movie in 20 years. It didn’t hold up as well as I thought it would. Perhaps it’s because I know the plot inside and out (mainly because about 100 …


We caught this movie last night. It was quite good–very intense. When it comes to “thriller” movies, I prefer the ones with the human monsters in them rather than plain-old monsters. This one had the human variety in it so it was right up my alley. The movie was rather …


We watched this movie last night (and the night before–it was kind of long). It told the story of the Zodiac serial killer. It was pretty interesting, but more from a detective standpoint than from a “here’s a bunch of people being murdered” standpoint. Oh, it was also directed by …