animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

bee movie

I thought this was pretty good for a kid’s movie. My attention started to wane about halfway through, though, because I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. Brian, on the other hand, only made it 30 minutes before he zonked out on the couch. I managed to stay awake, …

the invisible

This movie was about a high school kid who gets beaten up and left for dead. He finds himself in a dimension between life and death–he can see everyone, but can’t be seen by anyone (it did remind me a little of Sixth Sense). We both thought it was a …

eastern promises

This was a really good flick. It starred Viggo Mortensen (who’s quickly becoming one of my favorite actors) and was a story involving the Russian mob in London. Naomi Watts (another one of my favorites) was in it too, but she didn’t have a very meaty role even though she …

the game plan

We had another family movie night last night. This time, Jacob picked the movie. The movie was so-so. It wasn’t particularly funny and it was pretty long for a supposed comedy. Jake liked it, so that’s all that matters. I think I’ll pick next month’s movie, though.

death proof

This movie was the second half of the Grindhouse double feature, directed by Quentin Tarantino. I didn’t particularly care for it. The ending was rather good, but the almost 2 hours leading up to it didn’t hold my interest. Normally, I find Tarantino’s movies pretty entertaining, but not this one.