animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

pineapple express

Frankly, I thought this movie was going to be funnier than it was, but I still found it entertaining. I don’t watch a lot of comedies, because they usually disappoint. For a comedy to be a success with me, I need to cry from laughing while watching it. Unfortunately, that …

the pink panther

Thanks to the fact that The Pink Panther 2 came out this weekend, and the commercials for it have been inundating the airwaves, Jake wanted to see both movies in the series. So, we rented The Pink Panther and watched it last night. I will say two things about it–it …

step brothers

In honor of Brian’s birthday month, we’re going to watch comedies all month long. Sometimes, he does not enjoy my selection of movies. I don’t get it, really. After watching numerous Will Ferrell movies, I’ve come to the conclusion that Will Ferrell appeals only to men. Kind of like the …

3:10 to yuma

I don’t normally go for westerns, but I do go for a good story and this was one. One of the film’s highlights was the creepy guy played by Ben Foster. He does a good creepy guy. I did not like him at all in his role on Six Feet …