animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the addams family

We watched this for our monthly family movie night last night. Apparently I was the only person in the house to have seen the movie before. While not a masterpiece of cinema, it was better than I remembered. Everyone enjoyed the film, so we’ll be putting the sequel on our …

we own the night

This was a pretty good crime-drama. Not great, but good. It started off a little slow, but then picked up the pace. The plot was fairly predictable so that’s why I can’t review this with greater enthusiasm, but if you like this genre of films, you will probably like this …

no country for old men

This was the first Coen brothers’ movie that I’ve liked. In actuality, I’ve only seen a few of their movies, but I could never understand what the critics were gushing about until watching this film. It told a story of a man who stumbles upon a drug deal gone wrong …

baby mama

Getting back to what I said last week, the reason I don’t watch many comedies is that there aren’t many good ones out there. I think if this movie had been written by Fey, it would have been a lot better. But, it wasn’t. And, while there were certainly some …


This movie was on loan from Brian’s parents. They really liked it and thought we might as well, so they let us borrow it. We finally got around to watching it last night. And, I have to say it was a good movie. The plot was pretty convoluted so I …