animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

vicky cristina barcelona

This was my first Woody Allen movie, believe it or not. The movie was about two women who went to Spain for the summer. Both fall in love with the same guy, an artist played by Javier Bardem, who is hot, hot, hot, in my humble opinion. Brian and I …

paul blart: mall cop

I’m thinking about cutting Jake off from picking future movies. From what I read about this film, I didn’t think it was going to be any good and it wasn’t. It’s not like it was completely horrible, it’s just that it wasn’t even mildly amusing. I’m pretty sure I could …


This was the second of two consecutive Oliver Stone movies for us. While the casting of the supporting players went from bad (Rice) to good (Rove, Cheney), I thought Josh Brolin’s portrayal of Dubya was superb. But, I thought the overall portrayal of Bush was too sympathetic and I was …

wall street

This was an oldie. In it was one of Michael Douglas’s more memorable characters, Gordon Gekko. I have always been a Michael Douglas fan (though it seems he hasn’t been in much lately) and I always hear about this movie when I read about him, so I thought we’d watch …

the wrestler

This was a great movie. We both really enjoyed it. It was a story about an old professional wrestler, played by Mickey Rourke, who must retire due to health issues. He really should have won an Oscar for his performance, it was that good. I also must mention the 80’s …