animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

drag me to hell

This movie looked great in the previews, but not so much in the DVD player. First problem: it wasn’t the least bit scary. Second problem: they went for the gross-out instead, but that, too, was ineffective. I guess I’m not a huge horror movie fan (I have pretty specific tastes …

romancing the stone

For lack of a better idea, the three of us have been watching some movies Brian and I enjoyed as kids. Last night was Romancing the Stone. It was less action-packed than I remembered but, but still essentially how I remembered it. Jake liked it, so we’ll be watching its …


Last night was another one of our patented “Movie and a Margarita” nights. In the DVD player was Superbad. I thought it was superok and Brian thought it was superfunny. I think that it was geared more towards men (or maybe 14 year old boys). I can’t say I’m a …

my own private idaho

We watched this movie last night. I’m not sure why I put it on my list and after seeing it I’m really not sure why I put it on my list. The movie wasn’t horrible or anything, but I just wasn’t into it. The sleeve of the movie said that …

reservoir dogs

I saw this movie shortly after it came out and it has been on Brian’s list since about that time. Thanks to Blockbuster screwing up the order of my season 3 Dexter DVDs, we were looking for something to watch this weekend (thanks again, Blockbuster!). So, I pulled this one …