animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the jewel of the nile

This was a perfect Family Movie Night movie–one that we all could enjoy. No one’s going to accuse this of being a great film, but it was enjoyable to watch. Though, there was a whole lot more juggling in this movie than I recalled. A lot more.

mr. brooks

This was an enjoyable thriller. It had a unique plot, at least. Thrillers are my favorite genre of movies. I guess this shouldn’t be surprising since they are also my favorite genre of books. I noticed a lot of Dexter parallels in this movie. While that is not a bad …


This movie followed two complicated relationships. While nothing redeeming could be found in anyone’s behavior in this film, it was still pretty interesting. The movie was a drama, but it had a couple of really funny scenes in it–they made me laugh harder than I do for a lot of …

michael clayton

This was a pretty good legal thriller. The more movies I see George Clooney in, the more I like him. And, I find that he gets better looking as time goes on, though I can’t help but to remember the way he used to look while on Roseanne. Not a …