animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

lars and the real girl

This was a dramedy (we seem to be watching a lot of these recently) about a mentally ill guy who orders a RealDoll off of the internet and treats her as his girlfriend. I thought the movie was supposed to be more of a comedy, but it was not. It …


Once you get past the overly long set-up, this turns into one ass-kicking, car-chasing action-packed thriller. Brian thought it was the best action move he’s seen since some Chuck Norris thing. I thought it was a pretty predictable thriller. But if you’re up for some action, this film packs in …


What a great movie this was for Family Movie Night–great for kids and adults. For it being an animated movie, it had a darn good storyline. And the dogs in the story had me howling more than once. I was in absolute hysterics over the doberman (it wouldn’t have been …


This was another subtitled movie (Spanish). I’ve seen more subtitled movies in the past few months than I have seen in my entire life. The movie was ok. It had some pretty funny dialog in it, but you had to be paying attention. The storyline was unique and Penelope Cruz …

(500) days of summer

Plot-wise, this was a typical date-type movie. But, the story had an interesting twist–instead of telling the story chronologically, the scenes were from a single random day in the relationship of the two main characters. Not that this is an original concept or anything, it was just well-done. I would …