animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the hunger games (movie)

I took Jake and his friend to see The Hunger Games on Saturday night. It was great. Of course, some things were missing from the movie, but movies are rarely as good as the book. And, Jennifer Lawrence was great–she is one excellent actress. I’m looking forward to seeing more …


This movie starred an almost unrecognizable Joseph Gordon-Levitt (who is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors) as a heavy metal dude, who is not invited, but moves in with a family who is grieving over the loss of the wife/mother. There is some speculation that this movie had a …

the hangover: part ii

This was an ok comedy–it had some funny parts, but nothing hilarious. And, it was pretty much a rehash of the first movie (down to showing the photos of what happened during the closing credits). Here’s to hoping there’s not a third movie in the series.