animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the departed

This was another movie from our top 13. My original review stands. What a great film! I had forgotten most of the plot so that made it compelling to watch again. I barely mentioned Mark Wahlberg last time around, but I found his character to be hysterical. My rating; 4/5


This was an entertaining character study starring Lily Tomlin. I initially added it to my queue because I heard it was a comedy, but it was actually a dramedy. But, sometimes dramedies are funnier than comedies and that was certainly the case with this movie. Case in point: even Jake …


While Snowpocalypse 2016 was going on outside, we figured it would be a good time to watch a movie. We were really looking forward to this one. While it was funny, it was nowhere near as funny as we were expecting. Maybe we’re just over the rom-com? I don’t know. …

jurassic world

Jake and I watched this movie last night. It was good for what it was. But, I think if we’ve learned anything from these Jurassic movies, it’s that opening a dinosaur theme park is a horrible idea. My rating: 3.5/5