animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the big sick

This smart and funny rom-com certainly exceeded my expectations. Brian’s as well. I wasn’t sure what to expect but the movie got really good ratings so I figured it was probably worth a watch. If I had one criticism of the movie it is that the heavy moments of the …

it comes at night

I can’t pass up an apocalyptic story. This one was ok, but could have been so much better. There were a number of things that were never explained (the title is a perfect example of this–what comes at night? nothing in this movie) and some continuity errors that I could …


This movie was about some astronauts who find a single cell organism in a soil sample from Mars. This cell then replicates into an alien and wreaks havoc. While the movie did have a number of scientifically questionable scenes (Perhaps it was written by a Republican? They tend to ignore …


This was the first M. Knight Shamalamadingdong (sp?) movie I’d seen in quite some time. The previews looked compelling–the main character had multiple personality disorder and that actor knocked it out of the park. So, that part of things was cool, but I was really expecting some kind of major …