animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

jungle cruise

Date a guy with two young kids, and you get to watch all of the Disney+ movies. This is what we did last night. We were supposed to go to the Roxbury Bandshell to watch a band, but his ex did not pick the kids up on time and it …


Remember guy #4 that I decided to not date anymore? Well, that line of thought didn’t pan out (it’s a woman’s prerogative, you know?). I went to his house two weeks ago to watch this movie. And, he was over last night for a chiminea fire. So, that’s four dates …


I treated myself to a movie on my birthday. It’s the first movie I’ve watched in months. I can’t wait till Hollywood starts churning stuff out again as my queue is empty. Anyway, I’ve always liked Frances McDormand and this movie won a couple of Oscars so I figured it …

uncut gems

I wanted to like this movie. It starred Adam Sandler in a dramatic role and he did quite well with it. But it seemed like almost every scene had five people talking/yelling over each other and that wore thin pretty quickly. Basically, the movie was about a NY jeweler with …


This was the final movie in my Netflix DVD queue. I’m putting that account on hold until Hollywood starts making movies again. In retrospect, I should have quit one movie before this one. I saw an ad for this and promptly added it to my queue without doing much research–that …