animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

shark tale

This afternoon, Jake shut the TV off long enough for us to go to the movies and see Shark Tale. I was hoping to catch a movie at the Westwood Plaza Theatre, but nothing good was playing so we went to Richland instead. That’s the first time I’d been to …

anger management

Jake is staying at my parent’s this weekend, so Brian and I decided to do a “Margarita & a Movie” night. (Andy Lasky, take note!) Anger Management was on the tube so we watched that. Frankly I was a bit disappointed. It’s not like I’m a huge Adam Sandler fan, …

garden state

Yesterday, Brian’s parents took Jacob to the Cambria County Fair. Since they were anticipating a late arrival home, they suggested that he stay overnight. We were hoping to catch Fahrenheit 9/11 at the Westwood Plaza Theatre, but, its run was over on Thursday. Fortunately, another movie we wanted to see, …