animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

fahrenheit 9/11

Brian and I caught this documentary last week. It was really funny (or it would’ve been if it weren’t so true). Now I realize that you can make anyone look bad and Michael Moore is a liberal filmmaker, but he had so much material to work with, I don’t know …


As promised, last night was a margarita and a movie night. The movie was Monster. Our friend Lish has been talking up this movie for a few years and now I understand why. What a great movie. Unlike the incredibly sad 21 Grams or the utterly depressing Mystic River, this …


I’d been wanting to see this movie since it was released 10 years ago. Thanks to Blockbuster Online and Brian’s sister, my wish finally became a reality. Though I can’t say it was quite worth the 10 year wait, it was a pretty engrossing film. Brian and I caught it …

boogie nights

I caught this movie on Sunday while Brian and Jacob were at the Steeler game. I’ve been wanting to watch it for a long time (I probably taped it a year ago), but Brian and I could never find the time because the movie is over 2 1/2 hours long. …