animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

mean girls

This was a movie written by Tina Fey (from Saturday Night Live). It also featured a bunch of SNLers. It was a story about the cliques that exist (with girls) in high school. Nothing quite this extreme occurred when I was in high school, but I could relate. The movie …

bowling for columbine

I just realized that we watched this movie last week and I did not post about it. We can’t have that, so here goes… This was another documentary from Michael Moore. This time, it was about gun violence in America. He made quite the compelling argument that Americans kill out …

mr. & mrs. smith

This was a movie with something for everyone. Namely, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. If you don’t find one or both of them attractive, it’s time to make an appointment with your eye doctor. The movie was about a pair of assassins who were married (neither of them knowing what …

the devil’s rejects

I was holding out to watch this movie until we got to see it’s prequel, House of 1000 Corpses, but things didn’t work out. For whatever reason, it’s been on backorder at Blockbuster Online for the past few weeks. Perhaps it has a new popularity due to the recent DVD …