animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

girl, interrupted

Brian and I watched this movie last night. It was a story about a woman (Winona Ryder) who goes to a mental hospital to “rest” after trying to commit suicide. It took place in the late 1960s and was based on a true story. While there, the main character befriends …

meet the fockers

We caught this one last night. Brian thought it was good, I didn’t like it all that much. The laughs just weren’t there like they were in Meet the Parents. Of course, when we went to see that movie, I had been cooped up in the house for about eight …

christmas with the kranks

This movie was based on a book by John Grisham. It was ultimately forgettable, but not painful to watch like I Heart Huckabees was. That movie has replaced Joe Versus the Volcano as the worst movie I’ve ever seen. But, we did get to drink Margaritas while watching the flick, …

wedding crashers

I am disappointed again. This movie was hailed as the funniest R-rated comedy in years. And, while we found it amusing, it was certainly not the laugh-fest that The 40 Year Old Virgin was. The movie was ok, but rarely “laugh-out-loud” funny. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn made for good …