animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


I don’t know how I managed to get through the last 16 years without seeing this movie, but I finally rectified that last night. Brian had already seen this one a number of times, so he made sure I didn’t miss any of the good parts (you know, when I …


This is a movie about how people suck. And, it brings the audience down with it. The entire film took place on this stage (not unlike a play). The stage was devoid of most props. Houses were delineated with squares painted on the stage. At first this was kind of …

hearts in atlantis

It’s Friday, so it must be another Margarita and a Movie night! Tonight, we watched Hearts in Atlantis pretty much because it was the last movie on one of my tapes and I need to tape some stuff later this month. Much like the book, I didn’t enjoy the movie. …


Brian and I watched this movie last night. I have to say, it was an interesting premise for a film. I never would’ve thought of something like that. I guess that’s why I’m a software developer and not a screenwriter. I can’t really get into the plot, or it would …


Brian and I both enjoyed this movie, which was directed by the same guy who did 28 Days Later (which was a terrific film). It was about a group of heroin addicts living in Scotland and the one guy who tries to get clean. There was a lot of profanity …