animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

chicken run

It must be family film week. We watched our 2nd G-rated movie tonight, Chicken Run. The movie was fine for the genre, but I was expecting to enjoy it more than I did. Maybe it was because I was trying to do some other things and it didn’t have my …

chicken little

Jake and I watched this movie tonight. It was his second screening of the film–my mom had taken him to see it when it was released. For a kid’s movie, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t anywhere as good as Shrek or The Incredibles, or any other films of that …


Brian and I watched this last night, sans Margarita (though we did have a lemonade with vodka. mmm. nothing to eat, though). We both really liked the movie. It had more twists and turns than route 56 into Bedford. I can’t really get into the plot because I don’t want …