animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

an american haunting

This was a movie about a witch– The Bell Witch. By all accounts, I think John Bell may have died of bordedom. What an awful movie. And, it wasn’t awful in a good way that you could laugh at, it was just terribly not interesting. Two thumbs down.

a prairie home companion

The Blockbuster frenzy has resumed. We watched this movie last night, which is a fictionalized version of the NPR show of the same name. The movie was ok, if a little goofy. I’ve never listened to the actual show (I’m not an NPR devotee), but Brian, who is an NPR …


It must be the week of biopics. Seeing that I’m still all caught up around the house, I had 2 1/2 hours to burn, so I watched this movie tonight. It was pretty good, but I liked Walk the Line more. However, Jamie Foxx IS Ray Charles. While Joaquin Phoenix …

walk the line

All I ask for is a good movie. I watch a fair amount of stuff and more often than not, I’m disappointed with what I see. But, not this time. What a great story this was! I’ve always been a fan of Johnny Cash (he is the Man in Black, …