animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


We watched this one last night. It was David Lynch’s directorial debut. The movie was quite odd and there’s probably no one I can recommend it to, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it. On the other hand, it isn’t going to go down in history as one of …

defending your life

We caught this one last night. It was pretty light fare. I’m sure it was a great date movie in its day (1991). The movie is about what happens to you after you die–basically what you go through in order to prove yourself worthy to “move on” (go to heaven?) …

north country

This movie was on HBO last night. I’ve been meaning to catch it, but didn’t get around to it until yesterday. It was based on a true story of the first major sexual harassment case in the U.S. Charlize Theron played the main character who worked in the mines and …

the big lebowski

Brian wanted to watch this movie, so I added it to our Blockbuster queue. He really enjoyed it. I thought it was ok. It was pretty subtle for a comedy. I like my comedies to be a little more…sophomoric. Still, it definitely wasn’t a bad movie–just not my style. I’ve …

the break up

It was a Friday movie-margarita-bean dip night. Continuing the theme of this week’s movies…I thought this was a pretty good movie. I went into it knowing how it was going to turn out so I didn’t mind the ending. Apparently a lot of people didn’t like how it ended, but …