animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

stranger than fiction

We watched this one last night. Brian really liked it. I thought it was OK. Frankly, I thought it was going to be funnier. I’m starting to see a pattern here–every time I watch a Will Ferrell movie, I think it’s going to be funnier than it turns out to …

donnie brasco

Another mobster movie. I don’t know what I’m going to do after the Sopranos are over–we’ll have already watched all of the mobster movies out there in the meantime. Where will I get my fix? This movie was quite good–but it was a lot different than most of the mobster …

failure to launch

We watched this last night. It was not one of those hysterically funny comedies, but it was amusing enough–good entertainment for an evening. Kinda like watching a really long sitcom. It did have a “Scrubs” moment towards the end (you know, where they start playing acoustic music and everyone is …

the hours

I wasn’t sure whether to rent this movie or not, but the good reviews won out and I added it to my Blockbuster queue. The movie was actually quite good. Nicole Kidman won an Oscar for her role in this movie and it was well-deserved. Her prosthetic nose made her …


I really liked this movie. Brian only thought it was ok. It was directed by the same guy who did 21 Grams, a movie we both enjoyed. The emotions it brought forth were similar to 21 Grams, but the storyline was easier to follow even though it was also shot …