animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Yesterday was my birthday, so I was off work (we do birthdays off as a perk). My parents took me out for lunch to Forno Alto in Altoona. I got a sandwich, which was tasty, but they had an impressive-looking pizza oven there, so I will definitely try their pizza …

cut my hair

Oops!…I did it again. I got my hair cut short, in a shaggy style. Unfortunately, it ended up way shorter than the photo I provided, but I guess it’ll be the correct length soon enough. The jury is still out on whether I’m going to like this or not–I need …


My birthday was on Monday. Yay. I could do without it at this point, but at least I got some presents. Also, Jake took me out to dinner at Franklin Street Bar & Grill, which was a nice surprise. I had the day off work and did stuff around the …

birthday weekend

I had Friday off work, so I got to enjoy two long weekends in a row! If only every weekend was a long weekend. I did a lot of painting and gardening over the course of the three days. The weather was so beautiful! On Friday, I tried out my …

2021: the year in review

Or should we call it 2020, part 2? It was a weird year, for sure, but I haven’t done one of these in a while, so here goes… I guess the biggest thing for me was being in a relationship for 6 months. It was the first one since my …