animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

experience hendrix

Experience Hendrix is a tour put on by the Hendrix estate. It’s been going on for a while, but this is was the first I heard of it. It features a rotating group of top-notch musicians who play all of the classic Hendrix songs, plus some classic blues songs (which …

jasmine cain

Jasmine Cain brought her “12 Days of Acoustic Christmas” tour to Johnstown again last night. Although she played less metal this year, it was still a lot of fun! It’s quickly becoming one of my favorite Christmas traditions. * * * * * “Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, …

jay leno

I was a huge fan of The Tonight Show back in the day (both with Johnny Carson and Jay Leno). I had always wanted to see the show live, but that never happened. So, when I heard Jay Leno was coming to Greensburg, I had to go. Everyone else did, …

sebastian bach

Sebastian Bach returned to Johnstown last night. This time, he was not arrested. I was at that show, too! It was the first and last at the Point Stadium. Anyway, last night was great! Bach can still belt out those notes, and his new material was pretty good, too. This show …

zz top

ZZ Top played at the War Memorial last night, so I went. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan of the band, but I have been exposed to their music throughout the years, much like everyone else who listens to rock. It was a decent show. A band called The …