animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

paint job

Way back when my house was purchased the siding needed painted. For whatever reason, this task never got done. I think it was mostly because we couldn’t DIY it. Anyway, after getting a new roof, gutters, and garage door the other year, I really wanted to get the siding painted. …


Two weeks ago, the countertops were installed and last week, the backsplash was installed. That gave me enough motivation to paint over the weekend and wrap the project up. Sort of. When I was cleaning up, I found a cracked backsplash tile, so I have to call the installer today. …

and now this

After getting a bunch of rain the other day, I checked the basement for water. There wasn’t any rain water, but there was some water around the water heater. It was coming out of the expansion valve tube. The plumber came yesterday and replaced some parts on the water heater …

the bathroom

Last September, I had the bathtub refinished. I was cleaning the tub last week and found a crack in the finish. The finish bubbled in a spot and cracked. I contacted the guy who did the tub and he came over this morning to fix it. He said that the …