animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

christmas 2004, day 2

Today, we raced around like a bunch of crazy people trying to prepare for Christmas (it wouldn’t be Christmas Eve unless Brian was working on someone’s gift in the wood shop). We had some stuff that needed to be done today, and the rest of the work was preparation for …

christmas 2004, day 1

Judy came over this evening for our annual present exchange. Somehow, I think she’s getting screwed on that deal. Let’s see–she has to buy presents for three people, we have to buy for one. Hmmm. I’m no math major, but that doesn’t seem to add up. Wait a minute–I was …


At some point in the past 10 years I started viewing holidays through jade-colored glasses. I’m not sure how or when this happened, but I believe it was a slow progression brought on by marriage and having twice as much family to contend with. When it comes down to it, …

let it snow!

Well, the first official snow of the season is upon us. Jake’s all excited about playing in the snow. Lucky for me, my dad watched him while I worked today, so he got to go out and play in the snow with Jake. Surprisingly, they were out for quite a …

weekend update

Today, the boys went to see Santa Claus at a Shriner’s function in Altoona. They went with Pappy Law and Jake’s cousin Erika. This gave me an opportunity to accomplish a few things on my Sunday “to do” list. First off, I took a nap (of course) on the couch …