animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

new year’s day 2005

Today we did our standard January 1st stuff. That is, we put away all of the Christmas decorations, disposed of the tree, and had our traditional meal consisting of roast pork, kielbasa, sauerkraut, and dumplings. This was all topped off by a bottle of Kendall-Jackson Riesling. Yum. Not much else …

red dragon

We did another movie and a margarita night for our New Year’s Eve celebration. This followed a veritable cooking marathon of making Lasagne Verde al Forno (Baked Spinach Lasagna for my non-Italian readers). I made this for Brian’s birthday a few years ago and it was a total pain in …

christmas 2004, day 5

OK, this is my last Christmas post of the year. Finally. Brian’s parents came over this evening for a visit and to check out the goods we got for Christmas. Alcohol, cookies, and snacks were consumed. It was an enjoyable evening. Since they were coming over, I had to straighten …

christmas 2004, day 4

Today seemed like the most hectic day of all Christmas weekend. I don’t know if it was because we had to leave the house so many times or if it was due to all of the hours we spent in the car. It all started off with church this morning. …