animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

fourth of july

We started off the holiday weekend with a party at our friend Lish’s house on Sunday. Jacob had a blast because there were a bunch of kids for him to play with there. That night, we came home and took the pups for a walk. Once it got dark, we …

father’s day 2005

The extended celebration (did you ever notice how everything’s an “extended celebration” when it comes to our families?) started yesterday when we went to my parent’s for supper in order to celebrate the holiday with them. We had a brief visit and then had to come home in time for …

memorial day 2005

The day started off crappy enough–cold and rainy. We had some running around to do this morning–Home Depot to get some mulch and other things. Then we had to go buy some “product” for our respective vehicles (Brian’s motorcycle and my car–we’re actually going to try to keep both of …

mother’s day 2005

We spent Mother’s Day at my parent’s house. We had a great dinner consisting of gnocchi, meatballs, beef short ribs, fried eggplant, broccoli, salad, bread and apple pie for dessert. Yum! I got a cool set of nesting glass mixing bowls and a hand-made (by Jacob) stepping stone that I’m …

easter 2005

This year, my family was on top of the Easter rotation, so we spent the day with them. We had a great meal. In particular, the home-made cheese pasta in chicken soup was superb. Best of all, we came home with a bunch of leftovers, so I don’t have to …