animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

putting the x in xmas

Yesterday, when I was getting the Christmas decorations out of the attic, I got out one of our nativity sets. Jake, seeing the picture on the box, said, “What are you getting that Jesus stuff out for? That doesn’t have anything to do with Christmas.” I guess we shouldn’t have …

ready for christmas

Well, I’m somewhat ready for Christmas at this point. I finally finished up my shopping today. Thank God for the internet. Normally, I complete my shopping by Thanksgiving, but I guess a week later isn’t too bad. The issue is that I’m out of ideas for a number of people, …

thanksgiving 2005

Today was a rather subdued day for a holiday. My parents, brother, and grandmother were all supposed to come over for dinner, but my grandmother couldn’t make it due to the weather and my brother got called out to work. He eventually made it here, though, so that was cool. …

day off

Jake’s school’s “Fall Party” (read: Halloween Party) was today. I volunteered to help out at it so I took the day off rather than trying to work it into my busy schedule. And what a nice day off it was. My long weekend started last night when Jake and I …