animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

russian christmas?

We didn’t manage to get together with Judy over the regular holidays, so we visited with her this evening. We got to check out her newly remodeled living room (she did a great job!) and see how Danika was fitting into the family. We had a couple of drinks and …

new year’s eve

The New Year’s holiday is one we typically spend alone. This is by choice. Neither Brian nor I particularly enjoy going out on New Year’s Eve, so that is off the table. Only family-friendly activities are considered, but we’re not exactly looking hard for something to do. Jacob happens to …

more christmas

I had today off work, which was nice. But, now, I’m regretting not taking the whole week off. I guess 2 days of work won’t kill me before my upcoming 4 day weekend… We were supposed to visit Brian’s grandmother this morning, but that got pushed back because we had …

christmas day

We went to my in-laws for supper today. They had a pretty big crowd as our niece was there with her whole crew. I’ve been feeling kind of crappy the past few days. Unfortunately today wasn’t any different. Due to this, we arrived late, but just in time for dinner. …