animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

labor day weekend

We took full advantage of the holiday weekend and actually did some fun stuff for a change. On Friday, Brian and I went to the Ethnic Fest for supper (Jake was at a birthday party). Brian had pierogies from St. Mary’s, which is usually what I get, but I ended …

the fourth

We attended a couple Independence Day-related events this week/weekend. We kicked off the fourth by going to my brother’s place on Wednesday night for a cookout (fire, hot dogs, mountain pies, beer, you-get-the-idea). While unrelated to the fourth, we went to a bloodhound demonstration at Canoe Creek State Park this …

memorial day

We kicked off the Memorial Day festivities by attending a cookout at my in-law’s yesterday. Today was dedicated to doing things around the house. Brian and I went plant shopping in the morning and then I spent the afternoon planting said plants while Brian made a batch of beer. I …


We spent Easter afternoon at my in-laws and Easter night watching The Walking Dead. Actually, Jake stayed at my in-laws that night, so I made Brian watch The Walking Dead with me (Jake’s my usual partner in crime for TV watching). I thought it was going to be epic, but …

christmas parts 2 & 3

The relatively short edition… We celebrated Christmas Eve with Brian’s family. We went to their place for supper then they all came to our church to see Jake play guitar at the 10:30pm service. We didn’t get back from church until after midnight, so by the time we got everything …