animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

easter 2014

Yesterday was spent at my parents’ house with an assortment of relatives. It was a nice afternoon and the weather was decent, too. Of course, it’s calling for snow again tomorrow night–what’s with Tuesdays and snow? The weather better get nice soon, or else!

christmas 2013

This was a pretty laid back year for Christmas activities. To summarize: We spent Christmas Eve with my family. Brian’s mom and dad were also in attendance. After those festivities were done, we went to an overly long Christmas Eve service at our church, then came home and got things …


I am almost ready for Christmas. Almost. I have most of my gifts bought, but not wrapped. Some of my dog cookies are made (none of the human ones though–maybe I’ll skip it this year). The house is decorated–with the exception of putting the ornaments on the tree. So, really, …

turkey day

We hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year. Members from both of our families were in attendance for a total of 13 people. This may not sound like much, but typically our family gatherings are eight or less in number, so this was a pretty big affair for us. Ironically, …


One of Brian’s friends invited us to a pumpkin carving party last night. It was quite the event–there were probably 30-40 people there, mostly kids. And, these people cooked up a storm. They will probably have enough leftovers for a week! They had multiple pumpkin carving stations set up. And, …