animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

step 3 con’t

Here’s the pond with some water in it (and with the liner trimmed somewhat). Brian took the photo yesterday before we started adding stones to the pond. We’re basically putting stones around the top shelf and creating a waterfall at the upper end (the left in this particular picture). We …

garden pond: step 1

On Friday, we stared the garden pond project. The first step was to lay out the perimeter. We went with a kidney shape and the pond is approximately 8×10. Originally we were thinking 6×8, but that proved to be too small. Brian made a lot of progress digging the area …

garden update

Despite my lack of dedication this year, my garden is doing pretty well. My previously sickly tomatoes are now flourishing; the peppers are looking good; there are some little zucchini growing; the potato plants are looking great. I have plenty of weeds this year, though. Ray’s was charging $10 a …