animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

inka kitchen

I used to have pen pals when I was a teenager. It’s like having friends online (but before the internet). Anyway, I’ve only kept in touch with one in particular, Laura. We met two other times, but it has been a while. Around Christmas, Laura suggested that we get together …

the fifth

I met up with Carol at The Fifth last night. It hasn’t been too long since we last went out, but it was still nice to catch up. What a busy week it’s been! I feel like I haven’t been home since September. In addition to all my social outings …

pour on center

I finally made it back to Pour. I met up with my friend Carol Friday night for dinner. I think I got the same thing as the last time I was there. But, it was so good, I had to have it again (Korean Pork Tacos). I had a delicious …


I had Jake’s girlfriend (Amelia) and her mom over for brunch yesterday. Those were the first non-family members I’ve entertained in years. Between getting divorced, and then covid, it wasn’t very feasible until recently. Anyway, Jake kept telling me how much I’d like Amelia’s mom and I really did–she’s great! …