animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

because i can

The garden is underway and I’m ready to start canning. Not that there’s anything to can just yet. I cleaned out the pantry this afternoon and got rid of some stuff that did not get eaten from two years ago. That was the first year I canned and I made …


I made another batch of cheese today. This one was a stirred curd cheddar. This method was a slightly less labor-intensive version of cheddar, which I made previously. I’m interested to see if there’s any difference in the final product. I’m only going to be making one more batch of …

sunday, fun day

This afternoon we went to a gun raffle at the Portage Revolver & Pistol Club with my parents. We are members of the club and Jake is in their junior rifle league, so it was nice to be able to throw some support their way. They were giving away a …

the cheese chronicles

I’ve made two batches of cheese so far this winter–Cheddar and Monterey Jack. I thought I’d try aging them in vacuum bags this time (versus in wax) because it seemed like the easier thing to do. However, the Cheddar developed some mold after a month and the Jack developed mold …