animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

what would brian do?

Evidently the answer is “drink all of the beer.” This evening, I was raiding my wine bottle supply in order to find a few cases of empties. This Friday, we are hoping to bottle my last two batches of wine for the year. I found just enough so I am …

bringing home the bacon

The bacon was finally ready to be picked up from Froehlich’s yesterday. All eight pounds of it. This is precisely the reason that I split the meat with my mom. Eight pounds of bacon is more than three people should consume in a short time period (or maybe even in …

holy ham, batman!

I picked up my ham at Froehlich’s yesterday. It weighed in at a whopping 26 pounds! I planned on cooking it last night, but didn’t account for the size. So, I was up till after midnight carving (and eating–yum!) ham. Needless to say, I’m tired today. At least it’s Friday …