animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

here’s to a winey fall

My chocolate raspberry kit finally came in so I picked it up today after work. I’d like to have it ready before Christmas, so I started it tonight. It should be an interesting experiment. In other wine news, I saw an ad in last Sunday’s paper for Conzatti’s. They were …

still at it

I’ve really been in a cooking mood lately. This is probably because I haven’t had a lot of time to cook up to my usual standards in recent months due to our ridiculous schedule. But, things are letting up, so I’ve been spending some extra time in the kitchen. This …

normal weekend

We had a typical weekend. We spent some time working at the office. Yesterday, we tied up a couple of loose ends and we got some office furniture from Brian’s parents. That will help fill some empty spaces within the office for sure. Today, we worked in the kitchen. Brian …

cooking up a storm

Yesterday afternoon, I made cheese! Actually 2 kinds of cheese–fresh mozzarella and ricotta. A friend of mine tried this a while ago and it turned out great for him, so I couldn’t resist–I just had to try it myself. So, I was wondering what to do with all of the …


I picked a nice basketful of tomatoes this evening–a couple of varieties. I will surely be giving some of these away. But, in the meantime, it looks like we’ll be having some tomato side dishes this week. This recipe looks good. I think I’ll try it this week.