animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

vinegar and cider

As if I don’t have enough going on with the holidays approaching, both the cider and the vinegar I made in the fall were ready to go this weekend. Last night, Brian and I bottled the cider. I don’t know if it’s any good or not at this point because …

full freezer

Despite it being a busy weekend, I still managed to do some gardening-related stuff. Today was the only evening I got to spend outside, though. Unfortunately, it was spent weeding (I did a lot of weeding this year). While I hate weeding, I have to say, the yard looks pretty …

nearing the end

Since I last wrote, I made another batch of marinara. This one was more of a veggie marinara as it included peppers and mushrooms. The tomatoes are coming to an end, though. I took out a couple plants this week as they were no longer producing (and mostly dead). I’ll …

putting up

I managed to “put up” a bunch of stuff over the weekend. First up was some marinara. I did 10 pounds of tomatoes worth. This resulted in approximately three quarts for the freezer. I’m hoping to do at least one more batch, though two more would be ideal. While the …

too many vegetables

I picked up this week’s CSA bounty only to discover that I had 12 ears of corn in the fridge. Knowing that there’s no way we’ll eat 12 ears of corn by next Thursday (when we’ll probably get another 6 ears), I decided to blanch and freeze the corn. This …