animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

dodging bullets

As if I needed a reason to want to expand my garden, put up my own food, and get some livestock, too, our personal food supply has been involved in two recalls this year. And, the year’s not over yet. Since we have a Giant Eagle Advantage card and they …


So, I got canning equipment for Mother’s Day and my birthday (including a fancy-ass pressure canner). Now we are canning. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while (I mean, my freezer only holds so much stuff). Despite the fact that I’m a hypochondriac and fear that I …

feeling winey

The past couple of days have been a wine extravaganza around here. On Friday, we racked a red wine kit. It’s brand of wine kit that I hadn’t tried before (RJ Spagnols). It has a simplified process, which I like. Plus, the kit had dried grape skins included, which is …

i heart bgf

It’s that time of the year again–time to sign up for Blue Goose Farm‘s CSA. This will be our 3rd year of membership. I really enjoy being a member. First off, it’s nice to support a local farmer. Secondly, we don’t eat near enough vegetables, but in the summer, between …