animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

inside out

Jake recommended this movie to me, so I watched it last night. It was a kids’ movie (from Pixar), but it was pretty good for all ages. In fact, I’d say most kids probably wouldn’t get it, though they still might be entertained by it. My rating: 3.5/5 In other …

back to the new normal

As previously mentioned, Jake was in for a month over Thanksgiving. He went home for a few weeks and returned the weekend before Christmas. And, went back again today. It was nice having him around, even though it was a busy time of year with all of the Christmas festivities. …

one year later

My parents are fully vaccinated, so Jake and I finally got to spend an evening with them on Saturday. We’ve not done so since last summer. We went there for a delicious turkey dinner/early Easter celebration. Things almost felt back to normal. Jake and I were able to score a …

back to it

I have spent the past five days doing nothing around the house. It all started with the Democratic debates on Tuesday. I don’t know why, but they had them on an hour earlier than last time (they started at 8pm), so by the time we had supper there wasn’t much …