animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the wrapup

We wrapped up Brian’s annual trifecta of birthday celebrations last night. It was the cap to a busy day. Brian and I started off the morning at the eye doctor’s, where we both had our annual appointment. I also had a late day dentist appointment scheduled for Jake, but they …


Yesterday was busy in a social kind of way. We went out for lunch at Asiago’s to celebrate the birthdays of my mom, dad and grandmother (who all had birthdays in the past week). And, Sunday night, Judy came over to catch the first episode of Fear the Walking Dead. …


As previously documented I ordered a new filter for my garden pond. I got everything installed only to realize that I was missing a part. The part wasn’t necessary for the general operation of the filter, but was needed for the cleaning cycle. I contacted the manufacturer of the filter …

three more years

Jake turned 15 on Wednesday and we went out to eat at a restaurant of his choice (Rey Azteca–for a number of years running) to celebrate. He is definitely growing up. He is doing excellent in high school–straight As so far this year without any prompting or help from us; …


I need to delay Jake’s birthday by about two weeks. Unfortunately, his family party is today. While, I worked my butt off the past few weeks, the yard is still not in order. Plus there’s a pile of garbage in our front yard–spring cleanup always seems to fall during his …