animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

graduation party

As suspected, the graduation party prep had us so busy that we didn’t make it downtown for Thunder. Neither one of us was fired up for it this year, for whatever reason. I’m sure we will get back on track next year. In related news, someone stopped to look at …


So, my birthday was yesterday. As is customary, I had the day off. I didn’t do anything particularly interesting–mostly errands–but I did manage a nap and some knitting. The best surprise was running into Jake at Giant Eagle, where he was buying me flowers for my birthday–such a sweetie! The …


It’s hard to believe, but Jake turned 18 yesterday. He has turned out to be a fine young man. Like usual, we went to Rey Azteca (on Friday) to celebrate and then we had the family over on Sunday for a Mother’s Day/birthday party. It was a good time, but …

court of honor

Jake’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor was yesterday. The event was really nice and we had a good turnout. Finally, all those years of hard work have paid off! He didn’t seem too thrilled at the time, but he’s glad that he did it now. My mom and I made …