animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

happy birthday, ed

Last night we headed over to Brian’s parent’s house to celebrate his dad’s birthday. It was a pretty laid-back affair as it was just the three of us, Brian’s parents, and our niece, Erika. But, since I’m all for laid-back affairs, it was a nice evening. The party got started …

nine years and counting

Today, Brian and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. We (all three of us) went to dinner at Rizzo’s Restaurant in Windber to celebrate this evening. As luck would have it, Brian had a meeting in Richland at 4:00 today, so he was able to get home early enough so …

party all day long

Yesterday, Jacob went to a birthday party for one of his friends from daycare. After this, we went to a Thunder in the Valley party at Jacob’s babysitter’s house. It was cool–there were real bikers there and everything (as opposed to the fake kind). Also, another one of Jacob’s friends …

the weekend thus far

I was off work yesterday in order to set up for a garage sale at my parent’s house. Every year, Portage has a town-wide garage sale day (aka “White Trash Day”). Not to imply that all garage sale shoppers are white trash–that certainly isn’t the case. However, I saw a …