animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

mother’s day

I guess I’m a little behind in my posts. On Sunday we had everyone over for a combination Mother’s Day/Jake’s birthday cookout. I did things right this time in that I made all of the side dishes on Saturday (deviled eggs, baked beans, and Muffuletta Salad–totally awesome, by the way). …

the last hurrah

We had a nice dinner at my in-law’s house this evening in order to celebrate Brian’s birthday yet one more time. So, the month-long celebration is officially over. Thank goodness. I’ve spent the past 2 nights doing what I always do around Brian’s birthday–watching the Westminster Dog Show. I think …


Yesterday was a pretty good day for Valentine’s Day. We haven’t celebrated the holiday in years, but since it’s also Brian’s birthday, we do celebrate that. Brian even took a well-deserved day off work. I spent the morning working on PDS stuff. I was hot on the trail of something …

birthday begins

Today kicked off Brian’s month-long birthday celebration. His birthday isn’t until February 14, but my mom had us over for dinner early to celebrate–it was pretty much Thanksgiving dinner in January, complete with leftovers! Plus, he got presents, of course. Normally we watch comedies the entire month of February since …

house party

One of Brian’s former co-workers had a party today to celebrate their new home. It was pretty much an all day thing, but we didn’t make it there till around suppertime (it was in the Altoona area). Well-behaved dogs were also invited, so we left our 3 at home where …